Crooked Halo



Here's your chance! Crooked Halo is playing one show this summer and it's coming up! It's this Saturday, June 28th. Unfortanetly, we don't know any of the details about the show yet but once we do you all will definetly know. The instant that we know where it is and the time and all, then it will be posted on this site. So check back for more details!

Well, well well. Lookie what we have it another update?? Due to the fact of everyone annoying us to get back together, we are! For one day Crooked Halo will be back together to record and jam out. If you have a song that you would like to hear recorded, put it in the guestbook. We'll be considering all suggestions. Thanks to everyone for being there for us and pushing us to get back together. Sign the guestbook please!

Well, goodbye to everyone from AfroMike and Jesse. We're off to college to try and make something of ourselves. We hope the best for everyone here and we'll miss you all. Take care of yourselves, dont do anything we wouldn't do. We'll be back to visit! Miss and love you all!

New show added! It's another backyard show for August. Come out and support our good friend's bands including Nine Lives Down. Also as a special suprise,Reaching for Comfort (Jesse's side project) will also be performing. So come out and support CH, new project's, and other good bands. Check out the info on the shows page. Also other shows coming soon.

There isn't anything to update about Crooked Halo. Just wanted to do some promotion of our other projects that we're doing. First AfroMike's page. Take a listen to it, the songs are very interesting and chilling to listen to. Then you've got AfroMike's million other bands he's in, which you can find via his page. Jesse's got his long awaited side project finally up and running. No explanations can be said, just go and check it out-Reaching for Comfort. More info about Crooked Halo coming soon.

Major thanks to everyone who came to our last "scheduled" show. We greatly appreciate all of those who came out to support us, especially those who shocked some of by knowing all the words! There's someone whom needs great thanks because he helps us out so much all of the time. This person knows all the words to all of our songs and knows everything that goes on about Crooked Halo. Thank you so much Chris for being there throughout all of these years for the band. You've helped us by giving your opinions when writing songs, you've come to all our shows, you've showed complete support, and you've sang numerous songs with us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. To everyone else, we may have some possible shows coming up this summer, so keep an eye out. Thank you.

I am the bearer of bad tidings. I think that it's finally time to be able to officially tell everyone. If you heard anything about the demise of CH, the chances are they were right. At the end of this summer when Mike and I (Jesse), depart for college, CH will be demolished. Unfortanetly the fun that we have playing with each other will no longer happen. We will continue to play during the summer for you guys so you have your last chances of seeing us live because that was our joy in this from the beginning. Take your last chances to see us play, our last shows will be quite intense. Anyway, thank you all for your support and care for us over the years, it is greatly appreciated and will never be forgotten. We're just sad to know that this is the end. So make our ending a joyous one, come see us play.